Welcome to our Book Club Blog!!

We now have a blog for our book club. I hope you like the name of it. We can use this blog to decide on the books we read, date of the meetings and where. We can also post links to questions, keep our running book list, and lots more. As we go along, we can make changes and decide what is the best way to use this. The main hope is that this will eliminate the endless e-mails to our indecisiveness!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Date and Location

Let's try to start thinking about when we should have our next book club...
I created a poll on the side. Please vote (you can pick more than one date).
I can host this bookclub. Most of my Saturday's are busy, I'm putting Sunday dates in the poll. Hopefully we can find a date that works for most of us.

The poll will close on Monday.

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