Welcome to our Book Club Blog!!

We now have a blog for our book club. I hope you like the name of it. We can use this blog to decide on the books we read, date of the meetings and where. We can also post links to questions, keep our running book list, and lots more. As we go along, we can make changes and decide what is the best way to use this. The main hope is that this will eliminate the endless e-mails to our indecisiveness!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I added some links of interest to the side. Just a word of caution, the Reading Group Guides site (which is a really great site) gives pretty detailed summeries of books, so just be careful to not ruin books you haven't read yet. Although we already have a pretty lengthy list of books, just browsing those sites, I have about 5 more books I want to read. Maybe we need to start meeting more often!?!?! :)

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