Welcome to our Book Club Blog!!

We now have a blog for our book club. I hope you like the name of it. We can use this blog to decide on the books we read, date of the meetings and where. We can also post links to questions, keep our running book list, and lots more. As we go along, we can make changes and decide what is the best way to use this. The main hope is that this will eliminate the endless e-mails to our indecisiveness!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The winner is...

After voting, our next book is...Brave New World won 5 votes to 1 vote for each of the other book. Below is a link for amazon (which has used books for under $3).

The next thing we must decide when to meet. I've added a new poll to the side. Please vote for any date that you are available. You can choose mulitple dates. Hopefully we can find a date that works for most of use. And like I said in an email, I can host this book club, unless someone else want to volunteer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it me or are the sentences not straightforward in this book?

Now I remember how books got chose for high school English class-the more complicated the sentence structure, the more likely we would have to read it for a grade!